
Buildings Index
Ames Hill Drive
6 George W. Kyburg House (1929)
Armory Street
1 Springfield Armory National Historic Site & Springfield Technical Community College
- Springfield Armory: Administrative Building (1862)
- Springfield Armory: Commanding Officer’s House (1846)
- Springfield Armory: Company Officer’s Quarters (1836)
- Springfield Armory: East Arsenal (1836)
- Springfield Armory: Junior Officers’ Quarters (1870)
- Springfield Armory: Long Storehouse (1863)
- Springfield Armory: Main Arsenal (1847)
- Springfield Armory: Master Armorer’s House (1833)
- Springfield Armory: Middle Arsenal (1830)
- Springfield Armory: West Arsenal (1808)
Carew Street
90 Carew Street Chapel – Gardner Memorial AME Zion Church (1885)
118 St. Peter and St. Paul Orthodox Church (1944)
Chestnut Street
35 Christ Church Cathedral (1876)
63 Philip Kilroy House (1905)
Court Street
34-36 Springfield Municipal Group (1913)
Edwards Street
21 Elijah Blake House (1839)
21 George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum (1895)
21 Springfield Science Museum (1899)
21 D’Amour Museum of Fine Arts (1934)
21 Connecticut Valley Historical Museum – Dr. Seuss Museum (1927)
Elliot Street
29-37 Henry Alexander, Jr. House (1811)
Elm Street
3 Byers Block (1835)
31 Court Square Building (1892)
50 Old First Church (1819)
Fairfield Street
14 W. F. Clark House (1902)
60 Alfred White House (1902)
74 (1903)
Garfield Street
4 First Park Memorial Baptist Church – Stairway to Heaven Church of God in Christ (1901)
Howard Street
29 State Armory (1895)
Madison Avenue
48 Henry Sterns House (1827)
Main Street
1248 Chicopee Bank Building (1889)
1351 Union Trust Company Building (1907)
1655 Board of Trade Block (1892)
1665 Hampden Savings Bank (1918)
2273 Springfield Street Railway Trolley Barn (1897)
2291-2295 Memorial Square Building (1911)
2309 Memorial Church Parish House (1894)
Maple Street
45 South Congregational Church (1875)
201 Foot-Wallace House (1844)
241 David Ames, Jr. House (1826)
270 Frederick Harris House (1905)
313 Julius H. Appleton House (1886)
Mattoon Street
41-47 (1871)
50-52 (1872)
Mill Street
141 Rev. Samuel G. Buckingham House (1875)
185 Solomon B. Griffin House (1904)
Oxford Street
17 A.K. McGinley House (1913)
Pineywoods Avenue
168 D. H. DeLand House (1904)
Saint George Road
22 Memorial Congregational Church – St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral (1869)
Salem Street
18-20 North Congregational Church – Iglesia Apostolica Renovacion (1873)
State Street
50 Hampden County Courthouse (1874)
115-117 Old Masonic Building (1893)
127 Springfield Safe Deposit & Trust Company Building (1933)
195 Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company (1905)
220 Springfield City Library (1911)
235 Classical High School (1898)
260 St. Michael’s Cathedral (1860)
339-341 Former Masonic Temple (1924)
Sumner Avenue
150-152 William May House (1911)
182 Smith H. Platt House (1893)
188 F.W. Lathrop House (1899)
194 E. A. Dexter House (1898)
202 R. L. Nichols House (1893)
Union Street
French Congregational Church – First Spiritualist Church (1887)
Washington Road
61 F. Nichols House (1896)
73 F. L. Brigham House (1902)
Springfield Preservation Trust
Houses of Springfield
Townhouse Turnaround
Springfield East
Springfield Museums
Springfield Armory National Historic Site
Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame
Shays’ Rebellion & the Making of a Nation
Hampden County History
The History of Springfield in Massachusetts for the Young (1911), by Charles H. Barrows
Programme, 275th Anniversary of the Founding of Springfield, Mass (1911)
Guides and Picture Books
King’s Handbook of Springfield, Massachusetts (1884), edited by Moses King
Springfield, Mass.: Her Picturesque Beauty and Commercial Enterprise (1889)
View Book of Springfield, Massachusetts (1910)
Views and Facts of Springfield, Mass. The Magnet City (1910)
The City of New England is Springfield, Massachusetts (1910)
Springfield, Massachusetts Illustrated (1911), compiled and published by George S. Graves
Picturesque Springfield and West Springfield, Massachusetts (1912)
Progressive Springfield, Massachusetts (1913)
The Picturesque City, Springfield, Massachusetts (1913)
Springfield Present and Prospective (1905), edited by James E. Tower
Culture and Institutions
A Souvenir of the Art Museum of the City Library Association, Springfield, Mass. (1895)
Springfield in the Spanish American War (1899), by Walter W. Ward
The Birds of Springfield and Vicinity (1901), by Robert O. Morris
The Revised Ordinances of the City of Springfield (1891)
A City Plan for Springfield, Mass.: Progress Report of the Planning Board; May, 1922 (1922)
First Church of Christ in Text and Picture: 1637-1912 (1912)
The First Church, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1637-1915; Milestones Through Twenty-Seven Decades (1915)
Wonderful website!
My family has lived in Hampden County for generations and both sets of grandparents and many family members lived in Springfield. This is a great place to find information while working on my family history.
I noticed a typo though:
Hampton County History <—- should read as: Hampden County.
Thank you for such a lovely website,
Thanks for the correction–I’ve just fixed it!