John Nims House (1744)

The ancestor of the Nims family in America, Godfrey Nims, a cordwainer, arrived in Deerfield around 1670. The current Nims House in Old Deerfield is the third to be built on the site. The first was constructed by Godfrey Nims around 1685. This house burned in the 1704 French and Indian raid and was rebuilt by John Nims in 1710. This second structure may have been added as an ell to the third and current house, built around 1744 (1740-1750) (this ell was significantly altered around 1808). The house served as a Post Office from 1816 to 1831. The property went out of the family in the 1890s, but was bought by two Nims descendants in 1936, who deeded it to Deerfield Academy in 1938. The house has since been used as a dormitory and faculty residence. There is HABS documentation on this house.
I am a Nims descendant and am very interested in the history of my family. I love the picture and info. of the Nims home. Thank you.
I am a grand daughter of Earl Nims.
My mother’s name was Phyllis Irene Nims. She was born around South Hadley, MA on April 19, 1924. She had a half sister, who was born Louise Esther Nims on June 17, 1906. She had a brother Francis Nims and a half brother named Charles Nims. Francis lived in West Springfield, MA and Charles in Windsor Locks, CT. All are deceased. I believe their father’s name was Frank. Phyllis and Francis’ mother was born Clytie McIntire or McIntyre and I believe she was born in Quebec. Any info appreciated.
I would encourage any of the Nims family to check out our Nims Family website at We have a Nims Family Association as well and it is easy to become a member. The website really is quite nice and has a lot of information.
Hi. I and my 3 sisters are daughters of Maredith Ann Nims. She and her sister Doris are daughters of Arthur V Nims, son of Clarence Nims. I think we’re descended from Godrey’s son John. Will be joining the association to learn more—so glad I found this.
I am down the line Grandson
This is my family home. You can read my novel “A Captive Heart” which is based on my ancestors Ebenezer Nims and Sarah Hoyt who survived the 1704 raid on Deerfield and were marched with the other captives to Canada where they married in captivity. This house which was rebuilt by Ebenezer’s brother John was where they lived for a time when they were released after ten years in captivity. Joyce Dent Morgan